Soil Science

Dr. M. S. Askira
Head of Department
The Department is one of the four pioneer Departments established in the faculty of agriculture in 2012. The Department is charged with the responsibility of Teaching and Research. The Department runs a five year degree programme. The graduate is expected to have a good knowledge in Soil Assessment and Management that will enable him to be self employed and productive in agricultural sector. In addition, the department carries out research to improve soil productivity, through fertility evaluation, crop residue and water management, microbial and microbial influence on soil, acidity and salinity management, and soil remediation practices.
The vision of the department is to develop the students with sound knowledge of modern techniques of improving land use for increased agricultural output.
Our Mission is to expose the students to the best skills through teaching and practical Sessions so that they can compete with their counterparts in labour market worldwide.
Aims and Objectives:
The objectives of the department is to produce graduate that are sufficiently and technically productive with entrepreneurial skills, who will be involved in production, research and entrepreneurship venture in any aspect of agriculture and other related disciplines.