
Prof. J.S Mshelia
The Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State offers a five years B. Agriculture Degree Programme with four options (Agricultural Economics and Extension, Agronomy, animal Science and Soil Science).
In line with the Philosophy of Federal University of Kashere, the B. Agriculture Degree Programme produces graduates that are adequately equipped with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for engaging in Productive and Economic Agricultural Production for the nation and Global Community.
Our Mission is to produce technically competent graduates with global best practice in food security, self-reliance in Agriculture and to be job providers rather than job seekers in today’s diverse and challenging economy.
Our Vision is to pursue with vigor, self sufficiency in Agriculture, with excellence in Teaching Research and Service to Humanity.
Offices in the Faculty
prof. J.S Mshellia
Deputy Dean
Dr Panwal Ephraim Fomyol
Sub Dean
Dr Haruna A. Alkali
SIWES Coordinator
Dr Jesse Silas Mshelia
Examination Officer
Faruk Umar Bayu
Faculty Officer
Faculty of Agriculture Departments
Faculty News:
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