
Dr. Barakatu Abdullahi
Ag. Dean
The Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State-Nigeria, was established in 2012.
To produce teachers with proper leadership qualities, which will enable them to contribute to the growth and development of their communities in particular and the nation in general.
To produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient teachers who have sound mastery of their subject areas, ability to impart such knowledge to their students and mastery of problem solving skills.
The Faculty houses three (3) departments.
- Department of Art and Social Science Education.
- Department of Educational Foundations.
- Department of Science Education.
The Faculty runs sixteen (16) academic programmes which include B.A Ed Arabic, English, Hausa, History, others are B.Sc Ed. Economics, Political Science, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Mathematics, Physics and B.Ed programmes in Educational Administration and Planning and last but not the least B.Ed Guidance and Counseling.
The Faculty has Seventy One (71) academic staff and Seventeen (17) non-teaching staff, with a total of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Six (1,626) students. The Faculty graduated Forty (40) candidates, Two (2) with First Class, Twenty Five (25) with Second Class Upper Division, Twelve (12) with Second Class Lower Division and One (1) with Third Class.
Following the accreditation exercise concluded in June, all the academic programmes in the Faculty have been given full accreditation except B.Sc Ed. Agricultural Science.
Following the inauguration of FUK School of Post Graduate Studies (SPGS) on Tuesday 24th July, 2o18, the Faculty submitted proposal for Eight (8) Post Graduate Programmes, Two (2) each from the Department of Art and Social Science Education and Department of Science Education, while the Department of Educational Foundations submitted a proposal for Four (4) programmes.
Twelve (12) new academic staff were appointed and some permanent staff were promoted. In its bid to promote excellence, the University Management approved study fellowship to some staff of the Faculty to acquire higher degrees (Masters and P.hd.).
Faculty Community Relationship:
The Faculty of Education worked on the V.C’s advice of having a cordial community relationship and initiated a project, where the Faculty planned a workshop for Basic Education for Teachers of Akko Local Government Area, with a view to expand it to cover more Local Government Areas in future. The Faculty interacts with schools in its immediate environment to identify problems and articulate ways of addressing such problems.
The new Faculty of Education is under construction. Phase one is about 90 percent complete, while work in phase two and three is in progress. The University Management has magnanimously allocated twelve (12) offices to the Faculty to ease accommodation bottlenecks.
The University Management has manifestly demonstrated its commitment to quality education by allocating a Multi-Media Electronic Board for use in the Educational Technology Centre. In another vein, the Management supplied four (4) heavy-duty photocopying machines to the Faculty. With the period under review, the Faculty did not experience issues to inadequacy of stationery, white board markers or dusters.
Students of the Faculty have demonstrated exemplary qualities both in character and learning. Generally, students have performed well in academics, with so many on V.C’s list and Dean’s list. A student of the Faculty won an International Award in essay writing. Nigerian Universities Students Association (NUESA) now Education Students Association (ESA) mounted a website and constructed ten (10) leisure benches and went round to clean the University when non-teaching staff were on nationwide strike.
The Faculty lost one of its Senior Staff in the person of Prof. Simon Ocheme Akpakwu, on Friday 14th September, 2018.
Offices in the Faculty
Dr. Barakatu Abdullahi
Dr. Umar Shu’aibu
Deputy Dean
Dr. Waheed O. Raji
Faculty Exam Officer
Dr.(Mrs) Barakatu Abdullahi
P.G. Coordinator
Dr. Samuel Alfayo Boh
T.P. Coordinator
Mr. John Bawa
Project Coordinator
Mr. Usman Maigari
Faculty Officer