Federal University of Kashere

+234 803 578 0363



1Dr. Askira M.SA. K Ibrahim, Askira, M. S. and Y. Haliru (2018): Effects of Incorporated Legumes, NPK 20-10-10 and Their Combination on Pearl Millet (Pemisetum Glaucum, b. r.) Nutrient Uptake in Northeastern Nigeria Journal of Agriculture and Food Security and Sustainable environment 1(1): 97 – 86ISSN: 3635-3547
2Dr. A.K IbrahimA. K Ibrahim, N. Voncir and Usman A. (2018 e-ISSN: 2320 – 7035): .Influence of incorporated Legumes, NPK 20:10:10 and their combination on yield and yield attribute on pearl millet (pennnisetum glaucum L). International Journals Plant and Soil Science, 21 (2): 1-7 DOI 10.974/IJPSS/2018/38185
A. K Ibrahim, Ibrahim S.A and N. Voncir: (2018) : effect of green manuring and Nitrogen levels on the yield and the yields attributes of maize (Zea mays) Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
2 (4): 1-11
DOI 10.9734/AIJPSS/2017/39905 ISSN 2456-9682
A. K Ibrahim, Askira, M. S. and Y. Haliru (2018): Effects of incorporated Legumes, NPK 20:10:10 and their combination on pearl millet attribute on pearl millet (pennnisetum glaucum BR) nutrient uptake in north eastern Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Food Security and Sustainable environment 1(1): 97 – 86
ISSN: 3635-3547
3Mr. Salem A.Salem, A. Dedan N.K and Ibrahim, A. E (2018): Geopatial vibration in exchangeable base along toposequences, in Gombe State northern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria.Journal of Agriculture and Food Security and Sustainable environment 1(1): 71 – 78
ISSN: 3635-3547
Salem A. Audu Danladi, and Usman U.N (2018): Land sustainability classification for arable crop production in Gombe State, Nothen guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria. Journals of Agriculture, Food and sustainable Environment Dec, 2018 Vo l II P.28-35 ISSN 3635- 3547 FUK.
Mr. Audu DanladiAdanu E.O Audu Danladi, , Usman, D.D and Shem, M. (2018): Determination of some physical and engineering properties of cowpea (vigna on unguiculata) relevant to agro processing. Journals of Agriculture and sustainable Environment Dec, 2018 Vol II P.114-123 ISSN 3635- 3547 FUK.
Salem A. Audu Danladi, and Usman U.N (2018): Land sustainability classification for arable crop production in Gombe State, Northern guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria. Journals of Agriculture, Food and sustainable Environment Dec, 2018 Vol II P.28-35 ISSN 3635- 3547 FUK.
Audu Danladi, Ibrahim, A.U, Usman, D.D Adamu, E.O, and Musa Y. (2018): Review of some method of determining in situ Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil. American Journals of Science, Engineering Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 2018 P. 53- ISSN 2578- 8353 On line.
4Dedan N.K
Salem, A; Dedan N.K and Ibrahim, A. E (2018): Geospatial vibration in exchangeable base along toposequences, in Gombe State northern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria.Journal of Agriculture and Food Security and Sustainable environment 1(1): 71 – 78
ISSN: 3635-3547


1Dr. M.S AskiraSnr. LecturerAssociate Prof
2Mr. A. SalimAssistant LecturerLecturer II
1Mr. Muhd Baba TumuAdmin Asst.Admin Officer


S/NNameProgramme of StudyInstitutionsQualification in viewArea of specialization
1Mr. A.K IbrahimPh.D Soil FertilityATBUPhDSoil Fertility and Crop Nutrition
1Mr. A. SalimPh.D PedologyMAUTECHPhDSoil Pedology
2Umar SalehM.Sc Soil water ManagementATBUM.ScB. Agriculture


  1. Lecture Delivery of Courses:

During the period under review the department undertook the teaching, administration of continuous assessment and final exams for the first and second semester 2018 academic session without any examination malpractice.

  1. Educational Visit

The Department has organized educational trip for 400 levels student to Gombe State Airport Metrological Station in 2018 Academic Session

The Department has organized educational trip for 500 levels student to Upper Benue Rever Development Authority Dadin kowa Gombe State in 2018 Academic Session

  1. Completion of PhD Programme

One member of staff have completed his PhD programme in July, 2018

  1. Screening of UTME/DE. Candidates for Admission

The department also participated in the screening of candidates who applied for admission into the faculty and made sure that all guidelines for qualification to be admitted were duly adhered.

  1. Conduct of Research

Within the period under review the department undertook a research in the University Farm on Integrated Nutrient Management on Maize, Cowpea and Sesame. So far results have been collated and awaiting analysis to come out with findings.

  1. Participating in Supervision of Students on SIWES

The department also participated in the supervision of 400 level students on SIWES. It was purely a practical training, and students were adequately trained and fully assessed, majorly on courses like; SSC 4201 (Soil fertility, Soil and Water Management), SSC 4202 (Agricultural Meteorology).

  1. Final Project Supervision

The Department Supervised the Project of four final year Students who conducted soil physical, chemical, and morphological characteristics of soils at Kashere, Pindiga and Tumu town of Akko Local Government of Gombe State.

  1. Soil Science Laboratory

The Department was able to acquire a functional Laboratory with several equipments, glass wares and reagent.

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