Vision & Mission
Mandate and Core Functions of the University
- To train high level technical manpower for technological development of Nigeria
- To conduct research that will translate into products and services.
- To provide community services that will impact on the well-being of the people.
Core values
- Excellence
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Academic freedom
The motto of FUK is ‘Education for Global Citizenship’ FUK seeks to prepare students that are globally competent regardless of their disciplines of study, who comprehend global events and respond to them effectively. As we live in the era of globalization, it is imperative that the university prepares its graduates to become globally competitive. It is not sufficient to focus on the study of the local to the exclusion of the global. Graduates of FUK shall be able and willing to apply the knowledge of interrelated global issues and multi-perspective analytical skills to local and global problem solving (Florida International University’s quality Enhancement Plan, 2010). Global Citizenship entails taking responsibility for seeking solutions to local, national, and global issues.
Core Functions
- To award degrees, diplomas and certificates to qualified individuals.
- To promote research and development in Agriculture, Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Technology Development.
- To provide technical and social services to the immediate community of the University and beyond.
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Federal University of Kashere seeks ‘to become a world-renowned centre of learning where students are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and disposition they need in order to serve their Community, State, Nation, and the world through excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service’.
The Mission of the Federal University of Kashere is to serve as a world-renowned Centre of learning through excellence in teaching, research and scholarly/artistic activities, and service to the community, state, nation, and the world.
The law establishing the university has defined the following objectives for it. The objectives of the university are:
- To encourage the advancement of learning and to hold out to all persons without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportunity of acquiring higher and liberal education;
- To provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in all its branches, and to make those facilities available on proper terms to such persons as are equipped to benefit from them;
- To encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in restricted fields of learning and human endeavour;
- To relate its activities to the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Nigeria; and
Undertake any other activity appropriate for a university of the higher standard.
FUK is an institution of higher learning that is committed to excellence and integrity in the pursuit of knowledge within an environment that respects diversity, the worth of the individual, academic freedom, a commitment to service learning, and a shared responsibility for applying knowledge and skills to address the interrelated issues that affect the local, national and global communities.
In this regard, FUK is committed to the following core values:
- Truth and integrity in the pursuit, generation, dissemination, and application of knowledge;
- Freedom of thought and expression;
- Respect for diversity and the dignity of the individual;
- Responsibility as stewards of the environment and citizens of the world;
- Excellence in intellectual, personal, and operational endeavours;
- High standards of morals and ethics; and efficient resource management based on the need for cost-effectiveness.
The following are the six strategic goals that identify broad directions for responding to the challenges in the FUK. These goals are manifest in several objectives and actions as follows.
- Strive for and maintain excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research and Service.
- Pursue Vigorous Human Capacity Development
- Increase and Sustain Revenue Generation
- Establish and Sustain Beneficial Partnerships and Linkages
- Maintain, Upgrade and Develop Infrastructures
- Maintain and enhance Agriculture, Education, Humanities, Social Sciences Science, Social Services, and Technological Excellence.
The Logo of FUK depicts an open book, some strands of leaves, a cow, and a globe all encased in a shield and the shield in encased a circle across which the name of the university is inscribed. The circle rests on a green ribbon with the motto of the university inscribed in it. The open book symbolizes knowledge; the leaves depict agriculture, the main occupation around the university; the cow represents animal husbandry, another major occupation in the local area; and the globe portrays the global focus of the university.